See examples

Competitor Overview

For each area, include a Bottom Line which includes a few brief bullet points that get straight to the point, either reaffirming what you’ve observed or offering new insights. This allows you to try and determine the competitor's greatest asset. It could be an innovative design, the speed of the application, the user experience, or something completely different!

Marketing Profile

Once you've completed your overview, you'll want to find out as much as you can about a competitor's target market — their existing clients and what they have in common with each other — and their current marketing strategies (what a competitor does to make itself known to users).

Specifically, look at how the competitor markets itself. Do they advertise online? Try identifying what tools and social networks they use, as well as what practices they’ve put in place. If they have a blog, check what types of articles they write and where they focus their marketing efforts. Find out if and how they use Google ads, Facebook ads, and online marketing.

SWOT Analysis

UX Analysis