<aside> 👉 Don't Write a Business Plan. Create a Canvas Instead. 1 Page Is All You Need To Get An Idea Across.
You can find examples of Business Model Canvas of existing startups and tech giants by searching in Google or Youtube for example "business model canvas tiktok" or any other startup name.
S3 Organization Canvas by Bernhard Bockelbrink is a derivative of the Business Model Canvas and of the Lean Canvas. Together with Sociocracy provides a good framework for Evolving Agile and Resilient Organizations.
The S3 Delegation Canvas Series
Lean Canvas by Ash Maurya is improved version of Business Model Canvas
1-Page Business Plan | LEANSTACK
Why Lean Canvas vs Business Model Canvas?
Everything started with Business Model Canvas by Alexander Osterwalder and Strategyzer
Business Model Canvas - Download the Official Template
The Origin of the Business Model Canvas: Interview with Bill Fischer & Alex Osterwalder
Business Model Generation will teach you powerful and practical innovation techniques used today by leading companies worldwide. You will learn how to systematically understand, design, and implement a new business model or analyze and renovate an old one.